Green DayのBillie Joe、米大統領選でジョー・バイデンを支持することを表明

Billie Joe


インスタグラムに“American Idiot”のミュージック・ビデオの一部を投稿したビリー・ジョー・アームストロングはキャプションでドナルド・トランプ大統領の再選について警鐘を鳴らしている。


「パンデミックに人種的蜂起、“Wake Me Up When September Ends”という曲のように、みんなに目を覚まして、有権者登録をしてほしいんだ」





It’s September 1st 2020 and I am WIDE AWAKE IN AMERICA. This has been the most unprecedented year of our lives. A pandemic. Racial uprising. As the song goes “wake me up when September ends”. I plead to everyone to WAKE UP AND REGISTER TO VOTE. I am whole heartedly backing JOE BIDEN FOR PRESIDENT. KAMALA HARRIS FOR VICE PRESIDENT.. I have not a single reservation in my mind. All of my enthusiasm is for BIDEN/HARRIS! TRUMP HAS GOT TO GO. America cannot afford another 4 years of Trump in office. Our democracy is at stake. Our earth is at stake. We need health care for all. We need justice. We need peace. We need police reform. If you are 18 and over PLEASE register to vote!! This is urgent. This is a national emergency. We must be WIDE AWAKE FROM SEPTEMBER TO NOVEMBER 3rd!!! This is a call to arms for the soul of America! Our lives depend on this election!! Grab a group of friends and register! Grab a group of friends and vote! Tell EVERYONE! #notrumpnokkknofascistusa These are the crucial states that could decide our democracy!! Register by the dates below in your state. DO IT NOW!! DO NOT WAIT!! AZ- October 5th FL- October 5th GA- October 5th MI- October 19th (can register to vote in person on election day) OH- October 5th PA- October 19th TX- October 5th WI- October 14th (can register to vote in person on election day)

Billie Joe Armstrong(@billiejoearmstrong)がシェアした投稿 –




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