Bruce Springsteen、24時間彼の曲だけをかける生配信が行われることに

Bruce Springsteen






THIS IS HAPPENING! Please share! We want to raise £10,000 for several charities that really need extra support right now, so on Saturday 2 May we will be DJing 24 hours of non-stop Springsteen, and we’d love you to support us! Please like, share, tag your friends and *donate* to help us raise as much as we possibly can for Childline, Trussell Trust, Barts Trust, Age UK and Hospice UK. This extended 24-hour-long ‘house party’ is from from 1pm Saturday 2 May to 1pm Sunday 3 May – NO SLEEP FOR US 😂 We want everyone from around the world to get involved and join our Springsteen-athon. It doesn’t matter what time it is, we will be live streaming our DJ set all day and all night, splitting the hours up into different ‘themes’! We’re so pleased that our Hungry Heart house parties have spread some joy at this difficult time – now let’s go one step further and raise what we can for the other people who need our help right now! Please donate what you can and help us reach our £10,000 target! Donations are up and running already, depending on what you donate we will be doing things like shout outs, song requests etc! Links can be found at – please click through to the donation page for full info! FIRST DONATION OVER £100 gets to choose the first song!! Thank you for your support! Let’s do this!! #hungryheart24

Hungry Heart(@hungryheartuk)がシェアした投稿 –





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